vintage mau's moments: expecting important mail?

OK, this one got a little chopped off at edges, but look, my scanner is not very good.  I drew this comic early February of my senior year of college, basically while I was camped out by the mailboxes waiting to hear from Columbia if I had been accepted to their med school.  The day after, I got my acceptance letter.  Did my comic will it to happen?  If you print out this comic and paste it on your fridge, will good things happen to you?  Who can say?  (The answer is yes.)

This comic was not printed in "Chairman Mau's Little Red Book," (I drew it after the book was printed) so unless you are the kind of hoarder that saves old issues of The Wellesley News, you probably haven't read it before, or at least you might not remember you did. It was twelve years ago! 1999! All I really remember from that year was "Living la Vida Loca" playing in some endless loop over unseen speakers. Also, remember in the late 90's, when people straight out of college were, like, getting jobs at Merrill Lynch and stuff?  Also, see how I didn't know how to spell "Merrill Lynch"?  Now you know, all you people in the comments section who point out things that I spell wrong: College Me couldn't spell either!

Special note for international readers:

I have gotten several e-mails from a number of readers around the world who were wondering why certain international book retailer sites were listing that my book would not be available for shipping until August, when obviously, the book is coming out the second week of May.  I had my editor look into this  and she did confirm that, indeed, due to the vagaries of international book distribution, certain international retailers would not be making the book publicly available until August, three whole months after the publication date.

Not only is this a bummer (the book would be great summer reading, seems like a shame to have to wait until the end of the summer to actually get your hands on it), but it also makes international orders from these retailers ineligible for the groovy bookmark giveaway.  I WANT TO GIVE YOU THESE BOOKMARKS GUYS, but it's a very specific giveaway and the qualification does have to be a pre-ordered book to ship before or on May 11th.

I know there's no ideal solution, and everyone's best solution may be different, but I will just tell you what I know: if you want to get your book as soon as possible, please order from your choice of retailer from the list on the sidebar to the right or on this page here, be it Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indiebound, Powell's, or whatever.  As an added plus, I've been told that several of these online retailers will be shipping out the book up to a week early, if you pre-order now.  Which means you could be reading the book by the end of next week--certainly well before August.  This is what I know, and this is what I was able to find out, so hopefully this is helpful to some of the people who e-mailed me asking what the best way was for them to get their hands on a copy posthaste.

Thanks again for all your support guys, it means a lot.  I hope you love the book, and get to read it soon!