northeast regional

OK, business first.  First off, we are confirmed, full event info for the New York event is listed here (scroll down, events are listed chronologically). I can't wait to meet up with you all!

Secondly, since I will flying up to New York in May anyway, I wanted to see if there is any interest in doing an event in a nearby big city before I fly all the way back home to Atlanta.  The two cities I was thinking about were Boston (because I went to college around there), and Washington DC (because that's where everyone from college went afterwards, unless they were moving to New York, San Francisco, or staying in Boston--which, if Hollywood is to believed, is where all the good, hardworking blue collar people with dark secrets and comically broad accents are).

If you will humor me with another poll, I will decide whether to stop at one or the other, or neither.  It's not a huge deal for me, as like I mentioned before I have no lofty expectations (nor desire, to be totally honest) for anything approaching a traditional book tour of the 20 cities in 20 days variety.  But I'm probably going to bring Cal to New York to see my parents anyway, and I know that he would get a kick out of a short trip to either of the two cities I mentioned above (though, admittedly, the thing he would enjoy most would likely be the fact that I'd let him play with my iPad on the train).  I do love both cities, and haven't visited either in a while, so if there's something book-related to do there aside from seeing the Air and Space Museum or walking around Lake Waban thrice (yes, my son and I are GETTING MARRIED, what of it?) maybe it could be worth pulling him out of kindergarten for an extra day or two.  Ergo, Boston or DC locals:

OK, thanks for helping me gauge interest! Like I said, no big deal, but I'm flying to New York that week anyway, so while I'm up there, perhaps a side trip can be justified, or at least somewhat amusing.  Thanks again for helping me figure it out.

Honestly, the fact that I have a book coming out in...what, really? twenty six days--is and continues to be completely bizarre for me, mostly because it's so separate from what I do day to day in my regular life. (Between being a doctor and having two little kids, sometimes I feel as though my life is just a continuous loop of giving and receiving occasionally sketchy signout about a series of people for which I am ultimately responsible.)

But writing and publishing and promoting a book, even if the book is indeed about being a doctor and having young kids--that's different, and to be honest, the different is exactly what makes it great for me.  It's a departure from my everyday life, and doing something completely novel, when you're in the mood and ready for a ride, is fun.  I want the book to do well, by whatever measures are pertinent, and of course I hope that people will enjoy reading it.  But this is the thing that I think about above all is that regardless of what happens, this experience, and the opportunity to go through it all, has been and will be a blast.