NYC book event this May: let's make it happen!

OK guys, sorry to bother you about this, and I've never run a poll on this site before so forgive me if I'm not doing it right, but the thing is this: we would like to do a book event in New York around the time that the book comes out on May 11th. I grew up in New York, went to med school and did one and two-thirds of a residency in New York, the book is set in New York, everyone I know is in New York--it makes sense.

But I have no idea how many people would actually, physically show up to a New York event if we did plan one, and I'm sure that my publisher would want to make sure we'd have a reasonable showing before deciding whether or not to have an event at all.

I don't mind telling you that I really, really want this event to happen. First of all, my parents would be able to attend, and they would be proud. Second of all, so I would get to finally meet many of you--I know that a good number of people are based in or around New York. So, see: the poll.

This is not a poll so much as a headcount, I guess. It's not final or binding obviously, I don't know who's voting though I do get a breakdown of what state you're voting from, because, you know, something something IP addresses. Also, if you can't be there, don't bother to click "no" (after all, not everyone will be in the NY/NJ/CT/PA area in May, so it's entirely expected that most of my readers actually won't be able to come)--what I'm really interested in is how many "yes" votes there are. So please, please, if you think you'd like to hang out with me at a book event in New York in May (again, my goal is around the second weekend in May, since the book comes out May 11th), go to the poll either above or at the top of the sidebar on the right and click "yes." I will try as much as I have power over such things to make it an event that's in the evening, towards the end of the week, so as to work with people's busy schedules. But before any event can be planned at all, my publisher needs to know that there is interest, and that it'll be worth their while.

So please vote! Tell your friends who also want to come to vote! I mean, vote with numbers grounded in reality, don't just click "yes" a thousand times, but do click it multiply if you're indicating the number of people that you might bring along to such an event, like, say, you and your twenty highly literate best friends. Thanks so much, and with any luck (and your help) I'll see you in May in New York!