first we work, then we play

There was a point when I was taking call this weekend when I realized it had probably been about three years or so since I had been up doing cases straight through the entire night. I distinctly remember those nights on call as the "team captain," (my role was exactly what you'd imagine it to be--in a medical context, that is), and I was convinced that the page operator had some sort of bug on me, because literally the second I would either sit down or go to the bathroom (perhaps that was redundant) one of my many pagers would go off. Which reminds me of a story that one of my parters at work told me about one of his senior residents during training who nipped across the street to get something to eat while on call, and some little kid at the restaurant looking up at him in awe, informing him that he had on "more pagers than Master P." Kids!  Kids and their rap music!

Anyway, I will post something more substantial later, but for now, this: do you like beer? Do you like Iowa City? Do you like drinking beer in Iowa City?  Then join me, won't you, for a little meet-up at the Sanctuary Restaurant and Pub at 8:30pm this Friday night!  I will be heading there after my reading at the Prairie Lights Bookstore, which will take place somewhere between 6:00 and 8:00pm.  Come and hang out with me afterwards, or it will be very embarrassing, just me sitting alone in a pub.  Also, beer gives me hiccups, like some kind of cartoon wino.  So sit with me and witness the magic!