
Hi everyone! Hope you're having a nice weekend! My weekend has been...less nice. I'm on call nights (7:00pm-7:00am) this whole weekend, Friday Saturday and Sunday, and the first two nights I basically stayed up the whole time. Let's hope (ANTI-JINX MANEUVER) that my luck gets better, because I think a third night in a row of not sleeping would probably kill me. I know I did it during residency when I did those two weeks in a row of working the night shift in the ER, but I'm elderly now. I'm not like one of these mutants, I need sleep. (By the way, I cannot tell you how much I envy people who can run on a full tank of gas after getting only four or five hours of sleep a night? I mean, can you imagine? Four extra hours in your day? I'd be so productive! And then I'd lord it over everyone insufferably!)

Anyway, I know I seemingly haven't updated for a few days, but...hey, look at this! I have a mobile mini-blog for you to look at!

It's on Tumblr, don't you know. Which, hey, is a really nice platform! Why did I not know more about Tumblr before? I BLAME YOU, THE READERS. I've been on Blogger for the past, uh, eight years, so it's not so much that I love Blogger so much as the fact that I have intertia and more years of back archives both of my kids' ages combined. I've just got too much old material to move platforms without putting in some significant time and effort into the thing; I'm like the blogging equivalent of a hoarder. (Don't even look at the hideousness that is my Homestead archives, which basically encompasses my entire med school career--you can't unsee that kind of horror. Look, yellow text on a royal blue background seemed like a good idea at the time.  It was the year 2000!  Give me a break, we barely had electricity back then.)

Anyway, if you follow my Twitter stream you know that I tend to post a lot of pictures, and I began to wish I had a better mobile blogging platform that would act as a better clearinghouse for the photos, as well as give me a little more freedom than Twitter would allow.  I also know that I'm going to be doing a bit of traveling in the next few weeks, so I wanted a way to do blog updates even if I didn't have time to sit down and write a whole long thing.  Hence, Tumblr.  I modified one of their themes very slightly to suit my needs, and I also put a badge to the mobile mini-blog on the sidebar of this page (look over to the right--it shows that ten most recent entries) so you can click through from here.

Nerd alert!  It was actually very difficult to find a Tumblr badge for Blogger that worked, but I did find a bit of code from this guy over here (thanks Rob!) and modified it to fit into my sidebar.  My HTML knowledge is entirely rudimentary--for the most part, I can just change colors and sizes of things, though when it comes to actual design I am hopeless--but I thought if it might be helpful to anyone else, I'd post the code that I had here.    Right now I just have it that clicking on the badge will take you through to the Tumblr page itself--however, if anyone would know how to make it that I could click through each individual entry, that would be stellar.

The Tumblr feed code is on Rob's page, and here's the modification that I used to make it fit onto my sidebar.  It's basically the same as Rob's but I just changed the colors and the photo border thickness a little bit.  Anyway, don't ever say I didn't do nerd stuff for you.

width: 125px;
height: auto;
float: right;
margin: 3px;
padding: 0px;
border: 1px #444444 solid;
float: left;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
margin-left: -10px;
font-size: x-small;
list-style-type: none;
width: 230px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
margin-top: 3px;
margin-bottom: 3px;
overflow: hidden;
border: thin white outset;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 2px;
margin: 2px;

So! Tumblr! Check it out! This does not mean I'm abandoning this page at all, by the way--I'm not. I'm still going to update here at the mothership like usual, but now I have a place for all the little bits and pictures and links that don't quite make up a full blog entry. Like that junk drawer that's in everyone kitchen with all the extra twist ties, half-dead batteries, orphaned Lego pieces, and sweaty handfuls of linty change.

Internets! I has them!