
I've been thinking about this book so much for the past three and a half years it seems almost inconceivable that I haven't actually had a real copy in my hands yet, guys.  YOU GUYS.

I had to get a few advance copies to bring with me to Iowa. Aside from the reading, did I mention that I'm participating in a book fair there?  Oh, yeah, guess I forgot about that.  Uh... I'll be at a book fair!  Just like a real fair, but most likely no funnel cake or pony rides!  So really kind of a crappy fair overall!  (Just kidding.  It will be fun.  Go to the fair.  I will give out lollipops--totally serious.  Also I'm giving out these bookmarks, so hello, swag city, please stop by.)

The book looks good.  It feels good.  It looks good with the dust jacket, and it looks handsome without the dust jacket.  (This is important.  I don't like to read books with jackets on them, they are too slippery.)  It's all at once completely familiar and totally amazing.

And the inside looks good too.  I mean, I'm assuming.  I can't really read it through like a normal person--I put a moratorium on that a while ago because even after it went to the printer I kept picking through it and micro-editing it in my mind.  I'm a noodler and a perfectionist by nature, so probably I'll always feel like that.  But I do think there's one part I got just right.

Don't forget, people near Iowa City--meet up Friday night at Sanctuary Restaurant and Pub!  They are supposed to have really excellent beer, and I have already ordered the steamed cilantro mussels off the menu because I want to eat the messiest, most odiferous thing off the menu straight off.  That way, if you stick around, I know we'll be friends.  Come hang out after the reading at Prairie Lights, 8:30pm until whenever.