apparently turning into a running tattletale series about other drivers

So I was driving back from my local Asian Grocery Mart (Super H Mart!  I love you and your multiple Pocky species!) when I was stopped at a red light behind this SUV.  Suddenly the door opened, a hand stuck out, and dumped a half full plastic cup of some beverage out of the car onto the pavement.  Not just the liquid part, mind you, the whole cup.  Then they closed the door, and when the light turned green, they just drove away.

Part of me was incensed, because if Ranger Rick and his Forest Rangers taught me anything, it's that LITTERING IS BAD.  But it's the complete disregard for the social contract that really drove me crazy.  It's like in that episode of "The Simpsons," when someone asked Homer why he threw trash on the ground instead of looking for a garbage can.  ("Because it's easier.  Duh.")  Which is funny because it's true, but this was broad daylight in the middle of a giant street, wasn't this person even a little embarrassed to just jettison trash out their vehicle?  What was this, outer space, and they're just blowing detritus out of their airlock hatch?

Like George McFly, I'm essentially a coward when it comes to confrontation, but I was two impulse units away from beeping my horn in disapproval.  The only thing that stopped me is that I've watched enough local news to have a healthy suspicion that, particularly in the South, outrageously rude drivers actually carry firearms in their vehicles with alarming frequency.  So in the interest of not getting shot, I didn't do anything more disapproving that taking a picture with my cell phone and posting a scoldy commentary on my marginally trafficked blog.

Uh, that'll teach them a lesson!  Or something!