the padres

Happy Father's Day to one of the best fathers I know.

You will also be pleased to know that Cal has ranked him very highly.

Also, totally unrelated (well, I guess kind of related)--I will be participating in a roundtable discussion tomorrow on the NPR show "Tell Me More" with Michel Martin.  The springboard for this topic will be an Op-Ed that ran in The New York Times last week (surely you've seen it), and one of my co-panelists on the show will be Dr. Karen Siebert, the author of that essay.  I'm fairly sure that the rountable itself will not be live, but I also expect it will play in the near future, and I know the show also has a podcast that I can direct you to once the segment goes up.  If you have any opinions (as I do) about the role of working parents in medicine, you probably won't want to miss this one.