into thin air and back again

It's been a little bit of a hectic week.  On call Tuesday night, flew out to Sacramento Wednesday to give two talks at UC Davis on Thursday...

(Which, while on the subject, thank you, UC Davis! You were lovely and gracious hosts and an impressively progressive school  to boot.  I have no doubt that you're producing some of the nations finest future doctors, and the administrative attention to the well-being of those future doctors is so admirable.  Bravo to you all.)

...and then hopped back on a red-eye back Thursday night which dropped me back off in Atlanta at 6:00am this morning, in time to take Cal to school.  Then I went home and slept in my bed, like a lot.  Well, four hours.  But it felt like a lot.  Now I'm all woozy and I don't know where I am or what time it is.  And it is to this that I attribute the fact that Cal totally creamed me in chess twice this afternoon.

Now GRANTED I haven't played chess in over ten years (like, I couldn't remember which side the queen went on the board relative to the king) and GRANTED I gave Cal a couple of do-overs ("Are you sure you want to do that?" is my usual warning for him to re-think his last move), but also, I fully admit that I am terrible at chess.  Also Cal has just started reading this new chess strategy book (the book says says its for kids but I tried to read it and I could not understand what they were talking about--it was like reading a deck of cards, or deciphering glyphs on some kind of Da Vinci Code-esque ancient rune) so now he's learning tactics and saying things like ROOK SACRIFICE KNIGHT FORK and I am still...not good at chess.  Like, at all.

Anyway, we ordered pizza for dinner and now we're all going to vegetate and play Lego Star Wars Wii and then I'm going to sleep some more and maybe obsess a little bit more about whether or not that fact that I'm more nauseous and more run-down with this pregnancy than with my first two means something.  My first instinct is just that I'm older now than I was the first two times around, and therefore infinitely more decrepit.  But then, of course, it could also possibly (possibly) mean this.

I have an appointment on Wednesday, at which point my OB offered an ultrasound to confirm the position and dangle (or lack thereof) of Thing 3's bits, so place your bets now.