you should probably take your metformin before reading this

Look, I'm not saying that my kids are perfect. They're not. But when it comes to the two of them getting along, they are almost perfect. I assumed that Mack would grow up idolizing Cal, because isn't that what younger brothers do? You know, like Happy and Biff in "Death of a Salesman," only less pugnacious. But what has surprised me is that, as an older brother, Cal is even more in love and delighted with Mack than Joe and I are. Exhibit A: In a pile of Cal's school paperwork that came home this weekend was this, which I can only describe as a love letter.

I think for a kid who just turned five his handwriting is pretty decent and his spelling is at least close to phonetic (or at least phonetic relative to how he thinks words are pronounced) but here, let me provide a translation:

September 3 2010

Hi Mack I love you
I want to have a great time
I want to have a camp out some day
You are fun to play with Mack
I love you love Mack (string of hearts)
Do you????

Mack's favorite things
(Drawing of some kind of wheeled vehicle, an airplane, a ball, and a house)

I swear, this kid just kills me sometimes.