17 and 18 weeks

So I kind of feel like I should stop posting these pictures until something interesting is happening, but now that I decided to do this week-by-week thing, I am unable to half-ass it. I WANT TO USE MY WHOLE ASS. And if you're wondering, "Michelle, do you really wear the same clothes every day?" The answer is clearly: yes, yes I do.  Right down to the T-shirt.  (I swear these pictures were taken a week apart--I do launder my clothes occasionally.)  Also see evidence of the index finger I shaved off.

17 weeks:

18 weeks:

If also you were wondering: "Michelle, you use ultrasound regularly in your anesthesia practice. Are you ever tempted, maybe late at night, on call, when nothing else is going on and all the patients are tucked up in their little beds, to take a quick peek and see what weird contortions your fetus is doing? Because you think you feel it moving around in there, but at this point it could just as well be gas or the remnants of this afternoon's beef stroganoff?"  Well, the answer to that is also: yes--yes I am, and yes I have. I don't have the right kind of ultrasound probe of course (different probes have different degrees of penetration--we as anesthesiologists usually use a linear ultrasound for line placement or nerve blocks and as such usually don't need to see much deeper than two or three inches; while obstetrical ultrasound obviously goes deeper and through more tissue) but at this point, even at three inches it's enough to see a select body part or two.

(That's the feets.)

Hope your week is starting off right.