break Joe's website

So as you all know, Joe recently switched jobs, so for the past week or so I've been trying to help him build a professional website (professional meaning for work, not as in designed by a professional) because how else are patients ever going to find him and know how awesome he is?  My proposal went like this.

You need a professional website.

I do?

It has to have your credentials on it, and all the information about the surgeries you do,
with, like, "Before" and "After" photos and contact information and post-op instructions
and such, because blah blah blah online presence marketing Internet searches social media blah.

What is an "Internet"?

Let me...just do it for you.

So we made this:

I designed and built the site, while Joe provided the content.  It's still a work in progress, but I think it's starting to look...pretty decent.  I personally have a bias when it comes to doctors' work sites--many many of the plastic surgeon websites I've seen I think come off a little too glitzy (and I realize that this is somewhat dictated by the nature of the work and clientele, but there comes a point where patients may have a hard time telling if they're researching a doctor or reading US Weekly).  For Joe's site, though, I wanted a simple, clean interface with all the medical information and professional credentials easily available. Joe does such good surgery and his professional pedigree speaks for itself, I thought it would only be distracting at best and cheapening at worst to gild the lily with, like, animated lens flare effects and an Enya soundtrack.

But anyway, do me a favor and look at the site. Look around on all the pages and see if they read well, click on the links to make sure they all work. I know some of this is a matter of personal taste, but does the website flow well for you?  Is there anything not on the page that, as a patient, you would want to see? Click around a lot, roll around, try to break it, think of it as a couch at Ikea that you're trying to decide to buy for your family room, then e-mail me or leave a comment to let me know what needs to be fixed.  Remember, this is still a work in progress (in particular, I have an "FAQ" section and a "Patient Testimonial" section that we're still working on) but in general, how does it look?

As for the subject of trying to build a website with your spouse looking over your shoulder, I will add this conversation from this morning.

(Painstakingly editing HTML to adjust photo alignment and spacing, because the Blogger 
"compose" interface is a piece of doo and has already taken years off my life.)

Hey, you should try to use HTML!  Or something!  For the website!

Have you ever seen that site, "Clients from Hell"?

Yeah, you showed me that once.  Hey...why are you bringing that up now?

No reason.

Thanks guys!

(By the way, I've test-driven the site on Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox and it renders decently on all of them so far as I can tell--however, if you're using some kind of antiquated browser, NO PROMISES.)