yersinia pestis, redux

This is what I'm supposed to be working on right now: the slides for my grand rounds on perioperative antibiotics.  Only I can't do that right now, because I'm super-busy looking at listings of taxidermied squirrels on eBay.  LIKE, REALLY BUSY.

It is fabulous.

Oh, hello there.  And to you too, with the mohawk, over there in the boot.

The artist captured the look of grim determination in this squirrel riding the rabbit quite well, don't you think?  Look at the set of his little jaw.

I think this squirrel in the rocking chair is supposed to be leisurely crossing his legs, only squirrels legs don't do that, so instead it just looks like he's flashing his junk.

So you can see that while I would like to be making more slides about beta-lactam rings and the dosing schedules of fluoroquinolones, but...well, there's just so much John Rambo/squirrel hybrid fanfiction to write.

(As you were.)