nostalgia and farts

As I think I mentioned on Twitter (aside: if you don't follow me on Twitter, you might want to reconsider, because I'm actually updating there with some frequency now--unless you think me prattling on about the minutiae of my life is super aggravating, in which case, please continue not following me on Twitter), I have been trying to put labels on all my Blogger blog entries from the last seven years. The first three years of this blog are archived on my old Homestead site here and here (the less you read these entries, the better for you, I find them terribly embarrassing in both design and content but keep them up as sort of an archaeological relic, like the city of Pompeii), but I've been on Blogger since my intern year in Pediatrics, September of 2003, and thus have over 1,300 entries to sort through and catalogue.

That's a lot of entries.

I don't mind skimming through an old entry or two, that's kind of amusing in and of itself. But skimming through ALL of the old entries? Is excruciating. I've only made it back through July of 2008 (right after we moved to Atlanta, before Mack was born) and already I have flashback fatigue. Really the worst part of it (and I realize I may be alone in this, perhaps some people find the act of going through baby books a delight but I find it somehow lachrymose) is seeing how much my kids have grown in the past two and a half years--In Cal's case 100% and in Mack's case infinity percent. It's funny, it's cute, it's heartwarming to see the old pictures and read the old conversations and look at the old video, but it also makes me kind of sad. Because someday my kids aren't going to be little anymore, they're going to be big and grown up and not little and squashable, they're going to be adults and going out into the world and having their own lives and not need me and they're going to donate all their old toys to the local daycare center ruled by an evil despotic strawberry-scented bear. And then I will weep. Hell, I'll weep now.

Not to just indiscriminately recycle old stuff, but this one's worth it: a video from three years ago. Just three years ago. Mack's now almost the age that Cal was then. Sunrise, sunset.

Again, I say: this house is lousy with BOYS.