post-call day off

This week has been somewhat busy, so apologies for the lack of posts. I'm not going to make up for it much today, unfortunately. I just have one observation. Overnight call can be hard--no one likes to be Last Man Standing for that late case in the OR, and one sick patient can be downright harrowing when no one else is around. But I am lucky enough to work in a practice where I get post-call day off, and that trade-off, in my opinion, is well worth the pain.

Full post-call picture set here. By the way, as some of you have noted, I have been playing around with a new camera (a Panasonic Lumix GF1 with fixed focal length lens--the 20mm f/1.7 to be precise) and I absolutely love it. It is tiny little camera that is much easier to carry around than my SLR, and with that quick little lens it is a gem. I don't know why I am saying this, because for some reason this seems to enrage this dissidents whenever I get a new camera (admittedly, my old camera still works so I didn't need a new camera per se, but I rarely buy things for myself and since we do not live an exorbitant lifestyle and photography is a hobby I will give myself a pass)--but if anyone wants to know my opinion about the Lumix GF1, I will say: I may never touch my SLR again. I love this camera. A more detailed review perhaps in the future, but if you're looking at this camera with this lens, my vote is an unqualified YES.