But therein lies the beauty of the Lego Advent calendar. No shitty candy, just little Lego trinkets. I think each little window contains a small little Lego thing, anywhere between five and ten small pieces, that fit together to make a little minifigure or Christmas tree or toy airplane, what have you.

Let me be the first to say that yes, I am aware that this is a total rip-off, because look, it barely amounts to a handful of Legos in the end, and it's not exactly like there's a lot of building involved. Also, some of the pieces seem to be of unclear Lego/holiday significance, like Dog and Cat Eyeing a Hot Dog:
...or Angry Santa Takes a Shower While Wearing a Thong:
...but whatever, it's still better than waxy pellets of chocolate in the shape of the Baby Jesus.

Let me be the first to say that yes, I am aware that this is a total rip-off, because look, it barely amounts to a handful of Legos in the end, and it's not exactly like there's a lot of building involved. Also, some of the pieces seem to be of unclear Lego/holiday significance, like Dog and Cat Eyeing a Hot Dog:
...or Angry Santa Takes a Shower While Wearing a Thong:
...but whatever, it's still better than waxy pellets of chocolate in the shape of the Baby Jesus.
Cal found the box for the Lego Advent calendar a week and a half ago (I thought I hid it well, up on a high bookcase, but he must have some sort of Lego divining rod, it's the only logical explanation) and I discussed with him how this was all going to work, how he was going to open one little window each day up until Christmas, but we weren't going to start until December 1st, because each little window has a number on it, etcetera etcetera.
He listened very carefully and nodded and then the second I stopped talking promptly poked his finger into the perforated hole for December 1st.
He listened very carefully and nodded and then the second I stopped talking promptly poked his finger into the perforated hole for December 1st.
"I just wanted to make sure that it works," he explained sulkily, after I extricated the box from his hands and returned it to its shadowy bookshelf home on high.
So anyway, tomorrow is finally December 1st, and I told Cal that Wednesday evening, after dinner and bath and snacktime, if he was very very good and was nice to his little brother and did everything the way he was supposed to, we would open up the first little window, and then one every day up until Christmas Eve, as the Lord and the good people at Legoland intended.
Not until last night did I realize that I'm actually on call tomorrow evening, so I won't even be here tomorrow night. Oops. I hope Joe remembers.