OK, so I got some proofs from Stan! Time to put on your thinking caps, people. And your thinking glasses. He e-mailed me a whole shitload more photos, but I chose my top four, evenly split up between glasses and non-glasses.

So this is kind of embarrassing, what with it being so many photos of me, so pay attention without, you know, paying too much attention. Which one do you like best? These are un-retouched, but Stan will take whichever one we like the best and do some sort of post-processing to it wherein colors look richer and teeth look whiter and my boobs look two cup sizes bigger. (OK, not that last part.) Please help me pick one. Don't think too hard about it, just pick the one where I look least like an asshole. I happen to like D (like the colors, love the wall and the junkyard chair that we found in that alley, and love those shoes that apparently some of you HATE) but I am completely aware that part of the reason I might like it best is because it's the one where my face is the smallest. What can I say, guys, I'M SHY.
Anyway, Stan did such a nice job with taking the photos while making me feel relaxed (not easy) an completely nailing the "feel" of the photos I was looking for. I would recommend him to anyone. If you're interested in seeing more of his work (or possibly commissioning him to take some photos of your own), he a great portraiture-centered site, where he showcases some shots from his more recent photo shoots. I think you'll agree he does great work, and if you mention my name to him and the fact that you got here from my blog, he said he may be able to work out something special for you.
Thanks, guys. Also thanks for pointing out typos on the new book site, I'm still working on ironing out the kinks. (Including--sharp eyes on some of you people!--the fact that the cover image I posted is an old version, which did not yet include the subtitle.) The internet! It helps you get stuff done!