Someone in the comments section noted that Mack always seems to be frowning in photos, and I have a response to that. He is not always frowning in photos. He is always frowning ALWAYS.

It's not the sun or the wind or that fact that something weird is happening. That's Mack's default facial expression. Appalled. He's going to need Botox by the time he's twelve.

Of course, the overindulgent parent's excuse is just that he's extraordinarily thoughtful. Sometimes I think that. He certainly is deliberate. He studies things a lot. He's a thinker. Sometimes when he falls, he doesn't cry. He just sits there and considers how much it hurts and whether or not crying is worth it. And he frowns.

Or maybe he's pooping.

He's been doing this ever since he was born. Above is a picture of him at nine weeks. Already he can lift up one eyebrow in a disapproving expression. He's a savant. A savant of looking pissed. That's just what his face naturally does. Even when he's having fun. He can smile. He just prefers to frown.

So anyway, I guess there's not much point to this entry. But my kid is pretty cute. So there's a point. Carry on.

Obligatory advertising section
Plug the first: My editor informs me that my book will indeed be available as an e-book (for Kindle and whatnot) in May. So yay! I myself read 85% of my books in Kindle form now, so that excites me. I also read a lot more now that I have a Kindle equivalent, mostly because I feel that my threshold for buying books is a significantly lower, mostly owing to the immediate gratification factor. E-books are good, if you don't mind the screen.
Plug the second: However, a physical book is a beautiful thing--there are some books that I would not trade in for e-books just because I like to hold them and flip through the pages. I don't think my book deserves to sit on the same shelf as my 50th Anniversary hardcover edition of "To Kill a Mockingbird" or anything, but if you do want to preorder a physical copy, it appears that the price on Amazon has dropped from $24.99 to $16.49. Which is less. MATH. So you should buy one. You know, to keep in the bathroom or what have you. What else are you going to read in there, the instructions on your toilet paper packaging?