We took the kids to The Rock Ranch this weekend, which is a cattle farm owned by the founder of Chick-Fil-A. I think the cattle ranchiness of the place is somewhat beside the point, though, as most of the grounds seems dedicated to its "Fall Family Fun" activities--train rides, corn maze, Tiny Town, what have you. I was all set to bring my real camera but at the last second , I just couldn't stomach the idea of lugging around one more bag, so all the pictures from the day were taken via the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone. I do love that app. I have a couple of other apps that simulate toy camera or instant camera-looking effects, but none do quite as nice a job as Hipstamatic. (I usually shoot with the John S lens and the Ina 1969 film, because I think it has the sharpest focus and I like the color of the resulting shots, even though they do tend to veer towards the green end of the spectrum.)
(Above: becoming Southern, exhibits A through I.)
Oh, on the topic of the book now being available for pre-order, I've gotten email from a good number of people asking me if the book will be available on Kindle or equivalent e-book reader. The answer is that I don't actually know. But I myself read a good percentage of books on Kindle now (rather, on the Kindle app for my iPad) so I totally understand the demand. I just went to the book's Amazon page and clicked the "I'd like to see this book on Kindle" link under the picture of the cover. Go ahead and do the same if you're interested in an e-book version. Not sure what kind of numbers they're looking for before they decide if Kindle-izing the thing is worth it, but I figure it can't hurt.)