After I decided to switch residencies from Pediatrics to Anesthesiology, I stayed on to complete one more extra year of Peds residency, which is exactly as excruciating as it sounds--a whole extra year of lame duck residency. I stopped doing clinic in the April of that year, however, and on my last day, I took my name plate off the door and retired it to its new and rightful home.

Yes, that's how small bathrooms are in New York. Also, this particular bathroom was located directly over the incinerator duct of the building, so the walls and tile floors were always warm. Which was pleasant in the winter, but less pleasant when you thought about where the heat was coming from.
In somewhat related book news, my editor sent me a .pdf of my book jacket today, and looks awesome. It looks like...I don't know, it just looks like a real book jacket, with the title on the spine and words on the back and my picture on the inside flap. Bananas! Hopefully I'll be able to show you next week.