So Cal is this week's "Person of the Week." I keep calling it Gold Star Day but Cal reminds me that Gold Star Day is only for three year-olds, he's in Pre-K now and he's four-and-three-quarters years-old now Mom, jeez. Fair enough son, fair enough. Magical Sparkle Snowflake Day it is.
Part of being Person of the Week (file this under homework that is more for parents than it is for kids) is bringing in a poster about yourself. I'm not really sure what such a poster would entail, though I caught a glimpse of some hanging in the classroom, which were elaborate pictographs of family and vacations and various passions like Disney Princesses or pizza. So I hope that Cal's poster fits the bill. I think it turned out pretty OK, despite the fact that Cal wouldn't let me help him do this really cool offset letter effect in which I cut out the letters of his name in two colored cardstock and made it look like his name was popping out in 3D. You don't understand my vision, kid, just run along and let me do my poster...I mean, your poster...in peace.
(Anyway, click here for annotated notes of Cal's poster. This is now officially more information than you require, but humor me, grandparents are interested.)