So, Valentine's Day! How was yours? Ours was fine, if utilitarian--Joe's mom was in town to visit the kids (still feels weird to say that--I can't believe I have kids, plural) and demanded to babysit for us so that we could have Valentine's Day dinner out, though for a variety of reasons, Joe and I decided to call it an early night and were home by 7:30pm. However, it was a good dinner, and certainly more romantic than my original instinct, which was to take the opportunity for some free babysitting and run to the supermarket, because just think HOW EFFICIENTLY we could do our shopping without all the carseats and wrangling and no-you-cannot-buy-that-cereal-it-is-a-rip-off-and-I-don't-care-what-percentage-of-the-profits-goes-towards-saving-the-rainforests. It's these magical moments that make a marriage special.
The flowers, by the way, were from Joe, and very lovely. Before he showed them to me, he warned, "I just want to prepare you, they're a little...Tim Burton-esque," which made it a lovely surprise that they were actually pretty, just ornate and a little gothic (black tulips, twisty vine accents etcetera) as opposed to what I was thinking when he said "Tim Burton-esque," which was, like, a single dead daisy. I expect the flowers will only continue to become more Tim Burton-esque as the week goes by, anyway, due to my habit of never, ever throwing out flowers until they're basically putrefying. I just get so attached is all.